March 29, 2007

It's a Spring Thing

Ever wonder what a giraffe's tongue looks like? Well now you know. [this moment sponsored by Rach and Gabe Dagani]

It is the end of March and Spring in the air... bringing love with it!
Life with the Revolution has been busy with 3 folks on the ground in South Africa, our first official board meeting under our belt and our internship program taking off… life has been somewhat of a whirlwind.

The team in Africa got off to an unbelievable start… seriously you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. But they are busy movin’ and shakin’ ! Since the beginning of February when they left Chicago on that insanely cold weekend they have been basking in the African sun. Evangeline has been finishing off her final internship while doing some ground work for our Orphan care ministry in South Africa. Check out her blog, a day to day window into her world. Gabe and Rach have been faithfully working in the churches building computer schools and training folks. I know some of you have been following their blog but if you haven’t, here is a snippet to pull you in…

"I feel like I’m also settling in to life in Africa. The slow, yet incredibly chaotic, pace of city life has begun to rest on me and I feel a great peace in being here. That’s not to say this is an easy place to live. I feel continually overwhelmed by the need and injustice here. Poverty is so striking that at times it takes your breath away- and it can wear you down. After spending a long day in a city called Soshanguve visiting schools, shanty towns and finally an AIDS Hospice, I broke down and cried for an entire evening. All that being said, after crying I felt a huge release. Crying seemed to remind me that my life is bound up with the people who work along side me; our lives are intertwined in the messiness of life and the glory of God. In those moments I feel great joy. Please keep praying for us…we need it." - Rach

Here are some pics of the Computer Project in the Powerhouse Church in Mamelodi where Gabe and Rach spend most of their time. For more pics visit their personal blog

Here is how it works. Donated computers in the US are shipped over to SA. The computers are then fixed up and cleaned up by Gabe and the crew. Students come to the church everyday to receive free computer classes where they receive training in word processing that will open up avenues for job opportunities in their future. Students simultaneously receive life skills lessons and encouragement from the pastor of the church. This amazing opportunity is made possible by individuals like you, sending us your old computers, keyboards, parts and components. This development project aims to empower people so they in turn may develop their community. This is all done through the local church. This is a practical picture of holistic ministry.

As for me Allan, I have 8 more days till I get married!! The craziness is unreal. To all our single friends out there, we highly recommend eloping! Not even kidding. It’s been quite the journey from our engagement to now. God has moved in amazing ways but wedding plans can often times feel like you’re swimming through peanut butter. Yet God’s favor is so evident. I literally am living proof of Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives much favor from the Lord.” The favor has been poured on us in amazing and beautiful ways.
We will be in Africa for our honeymoon and will spend 2 weeks working there towards the end of our trip. This is Annie’s first trip to Africa and a pretty big deal as we pray God continues to envision the two of us together as we serve His Church in Africa. We are so excited!

Pray for our team
Of recent each of us has been feeling some serious spiritual attack in our personal lives and ministry. There have been some big frustrations, disappointments and difficult days. It is clear we are in a battle and the evil one is not pleased with our work.

Like constructing a building, this last year has been about digging deep and securing a firm foundation. Now as we rise above ground level we are excited for this next phase. Pray for us, pray as we turn this corner, from our focus being foundational development into tangible, practical steps. Get involved with our projects and continue to support us as we change gears.

Follow close, allan

*Monthly personal supporters are still needed for Evangeline and Allan. Please consider being a financial contributor and committed partner.

Last thoughts
“Biblical justice does not mean we should merely help victims cope with oppression; it teaches us to remove it.”
- Ron Sider

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